Big Things Come in Small Packages (Zoey's Adventures #1) - Mary Ting

First let me say I didn't know this author even wrote children's books. I have read her other books but this was a surprise and I have to say she did a good job with this book and going into the children's genre. We go on adventure with Zoey and her friends! 

I read this book to K figuring new book, hand drawn pictures from children which I think is amazing maybe he will enjoy it. For K he was just okay with this book it wasn't something he was overjoyed about listening to it read to him but he did listen. He did ask questions on what lice was, as we have never dealt with it. 

This was a good book that shows how children deal with the feelings and what they are going through, and how to use their words to stick up for themselves especially when someone is being ugly. This for me is something I wanted K to learn because he has had other people be ugly to him with their words. 

 I really liked the grammar tips at the end of the book which is perfect for people to know about how to use certain words in the correct way.