Children's Review: The Flower Fairy Superhero

The Flower Fairy Superhero - Sonja Thomsen, Bryan Atinsky, Bryan Atinsky, Noam Atinsky, Francisco X. Mora

I read this book to A instead of K only because I know K would have not enjoyed the book as it is too girly. A actually sat and enjoyed the book and loved to push the audio button to listen to the story being read to her. We both liked how the Flower Fairy was able to make the Ogre happy and returning the Queen to her castle. 

When I asked A if she liked the book she replied with "pretty good and that she liked the shoes that had wings."

Overall a decent read, good pictures and I think girls would really enjoy reading about a fairy who can stop an Ogre just by being kind and giving flowers. 


So the few issues I had with the book, the author should make the play button for the audio bigger as A and I had trouble with pushing it as it would flip the page sometimes. 

2. I am not sure if it was my kindle or just the ebook but every time we would push play to listen to the story it would close out of the book makes it very difficult to enjoy when it kept closing.

3. Now I read the book to myself without the audio everything seem to work. When I played the audio towards the end it would read the missing sentences that I did not see when reading it out loud to myself. So I think that the author made need to look into this.