Different take on the zombies

Dust of the Dead - John Palisano


I received this book via NetGalley to give an honest review.


I love anything zombies and it is always hard to find a really decent book that deals with them in a way that makes you want to read about 'em. With Dust of The Dead things are not the same as it would be in other zombie books. The author thought out of the box on this one. The world is not going crazy it is not every person of themselves, after about five years of the world dealing with zombies or zom's everything is just about normal. There seems to be a team of people called the Reclamation Crew and they deal with the undead. Which I think is actually pretty cool. that would be a decent and cool job to have. 

We follow Mike as he works the crew that he just joined, we see what he sees on a daily basis. When they get a call about a sick man as his neighbor is concerned about him they get more than they bargained for. People are seeming to turn into something different and what it is caused by is the dust. Yes dust but not your average dust this is dust from the undead. These new things are called Twitchers and you will find out why as you read are stronger, harder to take down and talk just like normal. The only thing is they look horrible. 

Now as the story progressed we saw some action but I felt the story lacked at times or maybe it was just the character. He seemed to act like a coward. There is a scene where he is getting calls to come in when one of these newly turned is in a train car. He chooses not to go out there. Which in a way I could understand but I figured he would want to at least help. 

I did enjoy the small twist that came to Mike but I wondered about the ending. I wouldn't say it was a cliffhanger but I felt some things were left unanswered. Would he go and get the cure? Will he be shot on site because of what he looks like? Will the world be rid of these twitchers? What about the guy that saved him did he turn into one of them or is he still "normal"?  What about the possible "sonic noise" that was heard I would have liked more information on that. 

Overall a good story, something that I enjoyed and it did feel fresh being as I have never read a story where the dust of the undead cause something else entirely.