Review: Killing Secrets
— feeling amazing

I received this book to give an honest review.
WOW!! I truly enjoyed this detective book. The main character juggling not only being a mom but a detective as well she made it work and fit in her life. Nan seems to be a very strong character who has had a lot thrown at her, now I have never read the other books in this series but I really want to. I want to see the person that Nan has developed to be. This book can be read as a stand alone I feel even through through out the book there are references to her previous case.
Nan's daughter Emily and her boyfriend stumble across two bodies that they know. When Nan comes on the scene she starts noticing things are not going along like they should, something just seems a bit funny. From this point on Nan starts trying investigating the two victims which uncovers even more trouble, while doing her job she also is trying to understand what her daughter is doing as she has changed a lot. Nan doesn't like Emily's new boyfriend and we see them two get into a verbal assault a few times. When Nan's gun shows up on a crime scene she knows she needs to solve this case fast no matter what happens. Because she believes the killer will go either after her or her daughter, and if the case isn't solved she could lose her badge. The story is full of mystery and makes a great thriller. This is an author I plan on reading more of her work as she has a great writing style and a way of having you connect with the character on many levels. The story flows really well, there is no over use of details and what not it all blended in perfectly.