Children's Review: Ellie Camps Under The Stars

The Amazing Adventures of Ellie The Elephant: Ellie Camps Under the Stars (Volume 6) - Cornelia Murariu, Elle Fair, Marci Fair

We received this book to give an honest review.


A has really enjoyed reading this amazing series with Ellie the Elephant and her friend Pudgy the penguin. 

In this adventure they are going to go camping outside and my children are slowly starting to enjoy outdoor camping. With Ellie and Pudgy they play games, cook smores, hike and read. All the fun things you would do on a camping trip. There are no scary monster here so that is always a plus. The pictures are wonderful and if you haven't started this series to see all the places and adventures these two have gone, you must start reading. It is always fun to try something adventurist and new, Ellie and Pudgy show us that in every book.